Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What is a Cancer Survivor?

What determines whether a person has survived cancer? 

That was a serious question. Member and sponsors have often asked us how we define the term "cancer survivor." We define a survivor as anyone who has lived one second past the moment of diagnosis.

After you are diagnosed with cancer, every moment of your life can center around survival. That is why - every moment of life you experience post-diagnosis is a moment of life as a breast cancer survivor.

Each week, we like to feature of the story of a profound breast cancer survivor that we've either met or read about. This week, we read a touching story about a woman who has overcome -- survived beyond her diagnosis. She is the aunt of the popular St. Louis blogger, Danyelle Little (Code Name: The Cubicle Chick).

Here's an excerpt from Danyelle's blog where she shares more about her aunt's journey:

"Cancer is an illness that conquers many people, my Aunt included. Last year, on her birthday, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. This sentence is usually enough to debilitate and turn one’s life upside down, but for my Aunt, she decided she wasn’t going to let cancer invade her without a fight..."
One of the key characteristics of a breast cancer survivor is the ability to smile in the face of adversity. Danyelle's aunt has certainly exhibited the resiliency of her spirit to fight back against the condition that claims the lives of so many each day.

You can be just like her. You can make a commitment to live each day as a survivor and not allow your breast cancer diagnosis to break your spirits. In the words of gospel duo, Mary Mary, you cried your "last tear, YESTERDAY!"

Yesterday by Mary Mary

My Pink Purse Survivor Essentials is the 1st Monthly Subscription Service that provides gift boxes for cancer survivors and the people who cherish them. From pampering to awareness you will find something for everyone - no matter what stage in the journey. You will. find information and products you did not know and discover truths that empower you to feel strong and alive.

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