Thursday, December 27, 2012

I am Me, and I am OK

I am Me. 

In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. 

 Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it -- I own everything about me: my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions, whether they be to others or myself. 

I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears. I own my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes. Because I own all of me, I can become intimately acquainted with me. 

By so doing, I can love me and be friendly with all my parts. I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me, and other aspects that I do not know -- but as long as I am friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles and ways to find out more about me. However I look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time is authentically me. 

If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought, and felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard that which is unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded. I can see, hear, feel, think, say, and do. I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me. I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me. 

I am me, and I am 



 Virginia Satir quotes (American Phychologist and Educator1916-1988)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Happy Holidays and Thank You

Thank You!   
My Pink Purse wants to celebrate the Christmas season thanking our members, benefactors, family and friends for their generous donations of time, products and well wishes!

Your Gifts have made this a fabulous year!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hair Down There- Erase it

SHARE from Pretty City on taking Care of the hair Down There!

A Brazilian wax, which involves the nearly complete baring of private parts (front and back), and the application of hot liquid to said parts,can be scary the first time.  Not to worry, here's what you must know including points even veteran waxers may not know about going bare. 

The Prep 

Whether you are a waxing virgin or veteran, pre-wax prepping is a must. First, take a warm shower and exfoliate skin well with a body scrub. Don't shave just before a wax, but do trim hair to about 1/4 inch in length. This will likely be 2 to 3 weeks of hair growth if you normally shave; if you typically wax, allow about 4 weeks between waxing appointments. As you head to your appointment, pop an Advil for discomfort and apply a numbing cream, such as BareEase.

The Appointment 

For waxing virgins, that first appointment can be awkward. If it's your first-ever wax, let your esthetician know. Once you've checked in at the spa or salon, expect to be given a disposable paper G-string, a towel and, oftentimes, a wipe. Remove your underpants, use the wipe to freshen up down below, put on the disposable G-string and lie down on the treatment bed using the towel to cover you. Your esthetician will likely ask you to get into a frog position as she removes errant hairs around the inner thighs and labia. And, if she asks if you want your 'back' done, she's not offering a massage. Say 'yes' if you want all the hair on your bottom regions gone, too.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Day of Joy

Allow your self a day of pure Joy. A day to find humor in everything and a silver lining in all you do. A glass so full day, that your cup runneth over with "goodness". Be sure to pass that enthusiasm on to everyone else you meet.  Passing on the joy and appreciation you have chosen to embrace.  Need some help here is a little joke to help bring out that first smile:
Teacher Ask -"What did your mother do yesterday morning. Vicky?"
"She done her shopping, ma'am."
Teacher replies -"Done her shopping, Vicky? Where's your grammar?"
"She done her shopping too."

Monday, December 10, 2012


zig ziglar-

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great




Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Red Carpet Affair - Gift Basket Winner

Holiday Gift Basket Winner Shannon Byars is all smiles when she accepted her huge raffle winnings.  A gift basket from My Pink Purse Survivor Essentials at the 13 Black Katz Red Carpet Affair.
An exciting time was had by all at the 13 Black Katz Red Carpet Affair Featuring Eric Roberson
Basket Included:
Lip gloss ...Mary Kay
Nail polish... Mary Kay
Beauticontrol ... Nail polish
-And B.C. Various samples
My Pink Terry cloth hair wrap
My Pink Eye mask
My Pink shower sponge
My Pink facial scrub sponges
My Pink manicure/pedicure set
Dream & Faith earrings by Elzary
25$ bakery gift card from Rose in a Basket
Eyelashes ...Eyes Lips Face
Synsodene whitening toothpaste.
My Pink Purse Scarf and Comb
Free Polish Change .. First Impressions

You are the best Gift to Give - Part 3

By Rev. Wilfert Lee

You are the best gift that you can give for the rest of someone’s life.  You are so valuable, great and awesome that people are waiting to see the gift of love that is inside of you... Don’t be afraid to love unconditionally and feel free to love those who have not been great toward you.  You have the gift of love inside and the ability to love all over you. So when you meet someone, express the love that is inside of you and give him or her the best gift that they will ever have and that is YOU.
After you have spent all of the money to make a great holiday for your love ones, remember the one gift left to give is You.  Be sure to tell someone that you love them and appreciate them for the small things that they have done in your life. Don’t forget to tell them that they are a great and very valuable to you and that your life is better because of them.  Invite them to laugh and live life and continue to show love for each other every day for the rest of their life.  We must make the most of the time we are here and we must give what has been given to us and that is Love!!  
Give the best gift and that gift is YOU!!!!

You are the best gift to Give Part 2- Forgiveness

By Rev. Wilfert Lee

Giving the gift of forgiveness to someone who wronged you when you felt you were right.  The only cost of that gift will be humility and love.  If you really want to give a person a gift that will set them free for the rest of their life, give them the gift of forgiveness. Even if the act felt unbearable. Forgiveness would help you as well as helping the other person and allow you to be healed during this season.  You will no longer be chained by the act of unforgiveness, but loosed by the act of love and forgiveness.
Embracing the holiday season to symbolize love and not just about buying gifts, then YOU will become a gift. 

You are the best Give to Give part 1

By Rev. Wilfert Lee

As we continue to celebrate this holiday season, we want to make sure that the gift you give is appropriate for the people we love.  Many times you just don’t know what gift to give or if what you give is going to be the right gift.  Most people spend great time in planning what to give, and to make sure that they are giving the right gift and the person would be excited about the gift that you give.  As you spend the money and time trying to find the perfect gift, you forget about one gift that is so perfect and can continue to keep giving after the season is over. 
That gift is YOU. You are the best gift to give and you are the gift that will keep on giving.  Many times we don’t understand how valuable we are in someone else life until we realize that we can be that gift.  When you realize that… if you would really show the love that you have for someone, by simply offering to help them accomplish tasks that they have been wanting to do for a long time, then you will be greatly appreciated and loved.  If you could give yourself freely to helping feed the hungry or see about the elderly, cooking a meal for someone who is not able to are just some of the ways to give yourself as a gift. 
Life has happened to each of us and some have enjoyed the good times that it has brought whereas other have had a hard time in adjusting to what life has brought to them.  Reaching out and offering to help in whatever way we can, would be one on the greatest gift that you could give someone.  Changing a person’s life with a simple act of kindness will go a long ways as a gift.  Maybe buying a toy for some other child other than your own or inviting someone over for a holiday meal that can’t afford one or even reading to a group of children the real Christmas story could be some of the ways to become the gift that keeps on giving. 
Teaching the act of love rather than the conversation of love is one of the greatest gifts that you can give someone that they will always remember. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thank YOU for your Donation! Gin-Gins


The December Pink Purse theme is Pearl because each of the members of our community are Pearls.
Beautiful Creations that have survived through their struggle and emerged as Beautiful Pearls!

We recently received a wonderful donation of delicious and tummy soothing Gin-Gins that will be included in our Pearl box.  This ginger and caramel candy was donated by The Ginger People.  The candy is:
-All Natural
-Fat Free
-Made with Ginger
-Vegan & Gluten Free

Members of The My Pink Purse found them to be tangy, spicy, medicinally soothing and good.

Find Gin-Gins at

Monday, November 26, 2012

Gift of a Love Letter

There is a reason Romance Novels are such big sellers. There is excitement and heaving and poetic words all followed by lots and lots of swooning.  Why not give someone a gift of a personal letter full of romantic words and frilly sayings.  Don't have someone that brings out your inner Shakespeare... then send it to yourself.  Why not?  Tell your present day self how much you passionately love her with magical pros to make your own heart flutter.
"Dearest Pink,  I can not wait to see you emerge each day. Your kind gentle spirit and sweet laugh are like rays of sunshine." 
Then put it aside and plan to open it on a special birthday or Valentine's Day.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Many of us have said or heard someone saying that they have to find the time to do something.  In between making dinner, helping a loved one after a chemo treatment or getting the kids off to school… finding time would appear a huge task to undertake.  So what if we instead made time.  Time for yourself. Time that would enable you to do everything else better. Making time to take a class, meditate, do yoga  or even start a new business.  You deserve it and those around you will benefit from it.  A less stressed fulfilled YOU will be better for everyone.  So GIVE yourself the gift of time.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gift of Goals 2

So how do we start. Goals are just dreams put to paper. Write down what you want. Than grab your brain and that pen and figure out the steps you need to write "achieved" at the bottom. Not sure of the steps. Library! Google! Ask somebody already doing it! Give yourself the Gift of done!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Gift of Goals

Statistics say that less than 5 percent of people set goals and use them with purpose. A surprising number to us. Many survivors and their caregivers must be included in that group because we have witnessed some fantastic displays of purpose that go beyond the obvious goal of getting well. The fantastic members of Pink have shared stories of going back to school, starting new businesses, planning weddings, even plans that involve grandchildren that aren't here yet...or simply sharing a blog! Goals are a gift that you can give yourself everyday whether simple as my blogging or deep as starting that business.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Gift of Powerful

Gift of powerful...
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate...
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
Powerful words taken from a poem and used by  Nelson  Mandela and remembered
by many.
Remembered because being Powerful is another gift you are blessed with. Mandela's words go on to say it's not just in some of is, it's in everyone. Here at Pink, well we believe these words. And we thank you for showing that power everyday! Those mother's that still go to work the day after chemotherapy. Those Fathers that learn to help a little more around the house. The caregivers who sit a little longer and listen. You warriors who show up and walk, run and raise money to find cures! You are POWERFUL!
- pink

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Product Review Instant Manicure

Along with a great bag to carry her new swag in. Winner Denise got some great products. One of these products was the instant manicure from BeautiControl. Instant Manicure is described by the company as having dead sea salts and natural oils that moisturize and protect your hands at a price of 28.00.
Well pink reviewed the product and I have to say "uhmm".  The sea salt gently exfoliates your hands and cuticles, while the oils make them look all fresh and healthy.  The product also has a great smell that is up lifting. I also liked that I didn't need a lot of the product to get the claimed effect.  I put the canister by my sink so that I can use it often during the winter months. The only downsize I noticed was that the lid became oily once i opened the Protective cover. This product is Not portable.
BeautiControl Instant Manicure Earns 4 out of 5 pink stars.
As I looked the faces and spirit of the survivors, family and friends this weekend as we walked side by side with the same mission in mind: finding a cure, I felt energized. This led me to wonder if they knew what a gift they each were.  If they felt the effect they were having on lives of the people around them.  If they realized the joy that they were spreading by just showing up.          It's easy for us to see ourselves, our mountains to get lost in self. I wanted to hug them all and say... Look around and see the inspiration you are spreading. Watch, listen, be aware you are wonderful. You are strong. You are all survivors!


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Debbie Jones - My Pink Purse Breast Cancer Awareness Raffle

Our Hats Off To An Inspiring Survivor!
Congratulations to Debbie Jones, the My Pink Purse - Survivor Essentials Breast Cancer Awareness raffle winner. Debbie was chosen out of over 1,000 participants who entered to win a WHM large leather purse and wallet set, filled with products from BeautiControl, thanks to brand representative Tina Shannon!
Debbie’s story is one that offers inspiration to women everywhere, driven by strength and faith. In 2008, Debbie moved from St. Louis to Kansas City, MO to take a position as principle of an area school. Being under a lot of stress from the move and new opportunity, she began feeling very ill suddenly. Shortly after these feelings began, she began to notice a painful sensitivity to her left breast, and discovered a lump. Being very concerned she met with her physician, who diagnosed the lump as an infection, and prescribed Debbie with antibiotics to fight it off.
To be safe, Debbie’s doctor ordered a biopsy to be done. Debbie was attending a conference out of town, when she received a life changing phone call from her doctor, informing her that she had stage 2 breast cancer. In utter disbelief, Debbie scheduled an appointment to receive a second opinion from another Health Care facility that specialized in the treatment of Breast Cancer. Her diagnosis of stage 2 breast cancer was confirmed in June of 2010.
Seeking the best treatment option possible, her and a team of medical professionals gathered to make a plan. They decided that chemotherapy would be the best route of action, and she began going to treatments in September 2010. Following the every other week, eight hour treatments, came a pain and discomfort that Debbie has trouble describing. She attempts to relate it to a “hang over to the twentieth power”, nothing like she’s ever felt before.
“It was pretty dramatic,” says Debbie. “it was a very, very, emotional process.” To accompany the physical discomfort, emotional stresses are one of the toughest things that women deal with while struggling to battle cancer. Trying to continue living a regular life, waking up to take her kids to school every morning, continuing to work at her job on a flexible schedule thanks to her understanding employer, and being the confident, caring mother and partner she always had been, was no easy task.
Once the cancer had been attacked by months of chemotherapy treatments, Debbie’s left breast was removed to cut off the spread of cancer to the rest of her body. She continued to receive radiation treatments, five days a week for thirty-six treatments.
Debbie says faith in God was what helped her through everything she endured. “The best advice is prayer, I tell everyone, Isaiah 54:17, ‘No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgement you shall condemn...” She has been cancer free for 2 years.
During her trials, another very important inspiration for Debbie was the of an Associate Minister at her church, who was battling breast cancer herself. During her battle, the pastor’s wife was strong, offering inspiration and support the whole time. She passed away this year, but continues to be an important part of Debbie’s life, and her story.

Monday, October 15, 2012

My Pink Purse October Gift Box - Get Yours Today

My Pink Purse October Box

Dr. Joyce's Skin Care Systems: Fragrance Body Scrub
All Natural - Preservative Free 1/4 oz. Sample. Specially designed with all natural ingredients for extra dry skin to relieve itchiness, peeling, and scarring.
Purchase Full Sample at:

Accurate In-Home Family Care, Inc. Free In-Home Care Assessment Completed by a Certifed Missouri RN
We Get It Right The First Time! We Service both: Short term (1-6 months) and Long term (6 months -1 year) Medical Needs.
Schedule Your Free Assessment at: 314.625.3652

My Pink Purse Hair Scarf and Comb Set
For the Pink Purse lady on the go!! My Pink Purse branded fashion assesories are the perfect combination for active women who want to be stylish while supporting a worthwhile cause.
$5.00 + Free Shipping

Rise & Shine Shoe Restoration Parlor - 50% OFF All Services Coupon
Gives the shoes, boots and active wear you love a new look with complete resoration and maintenance services from St. Louis' most trusted shoe restoral shop.
Contact : 314.531.5765
Open Tues - Sat. Call for Hours

BeautiControl Instant Manicure from Manicure Spa
Discover the solution for chapped cuticles and dry, calloused skin with just one application. This powerful product creates the ultimate hand spa, instantly reviving dry, dehydrated skin and restoring its youthful feel.
Contact Tina Shannon: 314.393.5772

First Impressions Full Service Salon & Spa Coupon
Free Polish Color Change Including Gel Nails or Free Manicure w/ Purchase of Pedicure. Gel Nails Included.
Contact 314.954.4996

New Beauty Lace Wigs 20% Off All Wigs Coupon
Losing Your Hair? Don't! Providers of Custom Hair, Supplies and Full Salon Services located in Historic St. Louis Ville. Mention My Pink Purse Promotion.
Contact 314.531.LACE(5223)

13 Black Katz Red Carpet Affair Concert
feat. Eric Roberson • November 24, 2012
Don't Miss the Soulful Stylings of 2-Time Grammy Nominated Eric Roberson! Millenium Hotel • St. Louis, MO •
To Purchase Advance and VIP tickets Contact Tommy Wilder 314.288.9988 or visit:

Join Our Community Today and Receive Wonderful Lifestyle Products, Discount Services and Gift Items - All This and More Each Month for A Single Monthly Membership!
Subscription Levels

Saturday, October 13, 2012

My Pink Purse Set To Announce The Breast Cancer Awareness Raffle Winner

My Pink Purse debuted its 1st Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Raffle at the 2012 Sista Strut Walk in St. Louis, MO. There was a great outpouring of interest among attendees. Each were greeted by our staff and over 1000 participants entered our raffle for the beautiful and versatile WHM leather large tote and wallet set. The purse was graciously donted by Tina Shannon who also became both an October Pink Purse and Sista Strut event sponsor with BeautiControl products.

"We are excited that a sponsor has enabled us to make donation to a woman to make her feel special, said Vanessa Lacewell, founder of MyPink Purse. This supports our mission of providig the products that enhance the lifestyles of our survivors."

The winner will be announced October 19th 2012 so please check back soon to learn more about this special winner.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Come Out And Support!

On behalf of the entire staff of MY Pink Purse we thank you for visiting this website. We are grateful to hardworking organizers of the 2012 Sista Strut for allowing us to participate in such a monumentous event. Survivors, family, friends and St. Louis benefits greatly from your community outreach and caring. Again we thank you.
My Pink Purse is the 1st Monthly Subscription Service specifically designed for Cancer Survivors and the people who cherish them. From pampering to awareness you will find something for everyone - no matter what stage in the journey. You wil find information and products you did not know and discover truths that empower you to feel strong and alive. So, Join us for the St. Louis debut, October 6th, in historic Forest Park, but also feel free to come back and browse this site for monthly specials. Try a subscription for as a get-well gift, or Join the Community and begin to enjoy Your Journey.

As a Cancer Survivor with the help of family, friends and the host of well wishers, I now know that - I AM Stronger Than Before.

I only wish that I would have had access to all of the things that make my continued journey not just bearable but enjoyable as well. This website will be filled with items and services that help us all Heal, Nurture and Aspire!!

To all of of the businesses and support organizations presented joining our community we are pleased to present your unmatchable quality. We will continue our support to promote and increase your brands via:
  • Promotional Materials in the themed Box of Your Choice
  • Event Advertisement
  • Social Media Updates
  • Product Reviews and Referrals
These are just a few of the opportunities that you have to showcase your business as a supporting sponsor of this historic event and beyond. More information can be found on the Corporate Sponsorship Package page. There will be over 8000 participants in attendance. We can’t wait to see you there!
Thank you for enabling us to continue the mission.


Vanessa Lacewell,

Thank You To All The Sponsors Who Made This Event Possible!