Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thank YOU for your Donation! Gin-Gins


The December Pink Purse theme is Pearl because each of the members of our community are Pearls.
Beautiful Creations that have survived through their struggle and emerged as Beautiful Pearls!

We recently received a wonderful donation of delicious and tummy soothing Gin-Gins that will be included in our Pearl box.  This ginger and caramel candy was donated by The Ginger People.  The candy is:
-All Natural
-Fat Free
-Made with Ginger
-Vegan & Gluten Free

Members of The My Pink Purse found them to be tangy, spicy, medicinally soothing and good.

Find Gin-Gins at

Monday, November 26, 2012

Gift of a Love Letter

There is a reason Romance Novels are such big sellers. There is excitement and heaving and poetic words all followed by lots and lots of swooning.  Why not give someone a gift of a personal letter full of romantic words and frilly sayings.  Don't have someone that brings out your inner Shakespeare... then send it to yourself.  Why not?  Tell your present day self how much you passionately love her with magical pros to make your own heart flutter.
"Dearest Pink,  I can not wait to see you emerge each day. Your kind gentle spirit and sweet laugh are like rays of sunshine." 
Then put it aside and plan to open it on a special birthday or Valentine's Day.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Many of us have said or heard someone saying that they have to find the time to do something.  In between making dinner, helping a loved one after a chemo treatment or getting the kids off to school… finding time would appear a huge task to undertake.  So what if we instead made time.  Time for yourself. Time that would enable you to do everything else better. Making time to take a class, meditate, do yoga  or even start a new business.  You deserve it and those around you will benefit from it.  A less stressed fulfilled YOU will be better for everyone.  So GIVE yourself the gift of time.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gift of Goals 2

So how do we start. Goals are just dreams put to paper. Write down what you want. Than grab your brain and that pen and figure out the steps you need to write "achieved" at the bottom. Not sure of the steps. Library! Google! Ask somebody already doing it! Give yourself the Gift of done!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Gift of Goals

Statistics say that less than 5 percent of people set goals and use them with purpose. A surprising number to us. Many survivors and their caregivers must be included in that group because we have witnessed some fantastic displays of purpose that go beyond the obvious goal of getting well. The fantastic members of Pink have shared stories of going back to school, starting new businesses, planning weddings, even plans that involve grandchildren that aren't here yet...or simply sharing a blog! Goals are a gift that you can give yourself everyday whether simple as my blogging or deep as starting that business.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Gift of Powerful

Gift of powerful...
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate...
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
Powerful words taken from a poem and used by  Nelson  Mandela and remembered
by many.
Remembered because being Powerful is another gift you are blessed with. Mandela's words go on to say it's not just in some of is, it's in everyone. Here at Pink, well we believe these words. And we thank you for showing that power everyday! Those mother's that still go to work the day after chemotherapy. Those Fathers that learn to help a little more around the house. The caregivers who sit a little longer and listen. You warriors who show up and walk, run and raise money to find cures! You are POWERFUL!
- pink